Tuesday, December 11, 2007

An iWant iHave: Sony Mylo

Recently, a beautiful product show up in my mailbox: The Sony Mylo

Overall Impressions:
1- It's a sleek product. Definitely eye-catching in design. I've had more than a few heads turn when I pull out this bad boy.
2- The screen is just beautiful. The only thing it lacks is something to cover it. The included case is great, but just something to protect the screen would be great, especially if it's in your pocket with your keys. eh..maybe I'm just obsessive about my screens.
3- The slider function is so smooth and perfect. It moves up with a satisfying "cha-chuck" and snaps back down in the same manner. love it.
4- The wireless is good, not as far-reaching as my laptop, but good for a small device.
5- I have no complaints about the battery life. It's just about right.
6- speakers are decent, but not perfect.

Instant Messaging:

The Instant Messaging side of the device (it's main feature if you ask me) is slick. The interface for Y! and Skype are smooth and well-designed. GTalk is the same way.
The thumb-keyboard is PERFECT for IM'ing. I don't ever want to go back to txting on a phone keypad. My next phone WILL have a full QWERTY keyboard like the Mylo.Overall, I love the Sony Mylo. I only have one wish: that it could be my phone. Give me a phone like this on AT&T and I'd buy it. love it.

Many people have complained about price. If you are one of those people, now is the time to buy.
I paid $134 with a coupon through http://www.sonystyle.com
Comment if you want to code (expires Dec 31st.)

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